Thursday, October 16, 2008


I will manage my time by focusing by i have been mesing around.Its important to put atention on your process journal to have a plan on what you are gonna do,and don't get confuced/lost.I will try to bring it every day.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is an unethical means that is not right.The unethical thing that Abner do is that he post the comment with alot of "enemies",he should not be doing that.
An ethical is that Abner left a comment to the tean he has.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I think I did good at my project but in the part of the picture,it wuz hard to find one.The next time I do one again I will do it alot better,because i will concentrate more in this one.


An ethical situation in this pharagraph is,Jules walked away without logging off the computer.
An nethical situation is that Trish saw that Jules project wuz there and she copy,because his project wuz almost the same.